Get lifted, fuller breasts
Breast Augmentation Columbus Ohio
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
An individual may seek breast augmentation to increase the size of their breasts or to add volume at the same time as a lift. Breast augmentation can also restore volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy, or correct breast asymmetry in certain instances.
Haruko Okada, MD
Physician & Owner, Stratus Plastic Surgery
Breast augmentation surgery uses implants for breast enlargement, placing the implant beneath breast tissue or pectoral muscle. A variety of patients seek this procedure for different reasons, and Dr. Okada offers the extensive experience she has gained through her years of training and practice to offer natural, beautiful results.
Options for a Breast Augmentation Surgery
from our Columbus Plastic Surgeon
Breast implants may be silicone or saline, and the size of your implants is something you will determine during your initial consultation. Our goal is to create a beautiful and natural silhouette to help patients fell confident in their skin.
Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures
Before an after pictures may contain nudity. Please click OK to confirm you are at least 18 years of age and are not offended by such material.

Your Questions, Answered.
Will a breast augmentation hurt? Will my breasts hurt?
Mammoplasty is surgery, and there will likely be moderate pain along and beneath the incision line. Pain should become easily manageable within a couple days, however, and then you will just need to move carefully until you are fully healed.
What are the possible risks of breast augmentation?
As with any surgery, complications and risks are possible. Some of these can include:
Anesthesia risks
Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
Changes in nipple or breast sensation
Capsular contracture
Fluid accumulation (seroma)
Formation of tight scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)
Implant leakage or rupture
Persistent pain
Poor scarring
Possibility of revision surgery
Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
Wrong or faulty position of the implant
How can I prepare for breast augmentation?
There are several things you can do to help your surgical outcome be the best it can be. If you smoke, stop now. Smoking has several effects on blood flow and can delay the healing process after any surgery. Maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months before surgery, and arrange ahead of time to have help post-surgery to prevent the risk of opening your surgical incisions.
Some patients ask about buying a larger bra prior to their breast enhancement. You will be able to gauge the correct size based on the CC's of your implant but it's up to you to decide when to make the purchase.
Can I sleep on my side after a breast augmentation procedure?
If you usually sleep on your side, you’ll want to get used to sleeping on your back before surgery. Once you’ve had your breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Okada recommends keeping your upper body elevated (propped up by a wedge or pillows) for several days until swelling and bruising have gone down. You might also think about sleeping in a recliner. You will need to avoid sleeping on your side for about two weeks. We suggest using positioning pillows to help stay on your back.
How soon can I exercise after breast augmentation?
Dr. Okada suggests easy walking as soon as comfortable after surgery to help with circulation and prevent blood clots. A walk around the room or house every hour or so is plenty. After two weeks, you should be ready to walk for longer distances and on an incline, and after a month, most patients can resume regular exercise with the exception of heavy lifting. At six weeks, you should be able to do anything you did previously, though Dr. Okada recommends listening to your own body--if something is uncomfortable, stop.
Will scars on be obvious after breast augmentation?
Every woman is slightly different, but Dr. Okada strives to make your breast augmentation scars as minimal and hidden as possible. The location of your scars will be determined by the placement of the incisions, which often follow the natural contour beneath the breast. After the procedure, follow all directions given by the doctor, take care of your skin, and use topical cream as directed, and your scars be minimized.
Will my implants be silicone, saline, or “gummy bear” implants? What is the difference?
Saline implants are still available, but Dr. Okada finds that most patients are happiest with silicone due to their natural, feminine look and feel. All implants have an outer layer of silicone, but silicone breast implants are filled with a silicone gel, while saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Saline implants tend to have a more rounded appearance, and they tend to be slightly more affordable, but have a harder feel than silicone.
The newest silicone implants are often called “gummy bear” because the filling has the same consistency as the gummy candies. The gummy bear implant will retain its shape if the outer gel layer is somehow damaged, and these implants are considered safer and offer long-lasting results. The gummy bear implant has been FDA approved for healthy patients over 22 years of age.
There is also a “breast implant fat transfer procedure” but this is not a surgery Dr. Okada performs in Columbus OH at this time.
Should I be worried about getting cancer from breast implants?
Breast implants do not cause cancer or raise your chances of getting breast cancer. That said, a very rare type of large-cell lymphoma has been associated with textured implants, which is why Dr. Okada does not use these implants. Though experts are not sure why, they have found that around 95% of women diagnosed with ALCL have textured breast implants. That said, even if you have textured implants, your risk of this rare cancer remains extremely low.
Will insurance cover my breast augmentation in Columbus, Ohio?
In the majority of cases, breast augmentations are considered an elective cosmetic procedure and are not covered by insurance.
Can I get a breast lift and breast implant surgery at the same time?
Yes, a breast lift and breast augmentation surgery can be combined into one procedure. A lift will give your breasts shape and get them aligned properly while an implant will increase the size. Generally, a smaller implant will be used since the lift will help enhance your cup size. Dr. Okada performs both surgeries in Columbus, Ohio.