Restore your youth
Breast Lift Columbus Ohio
Benefits of a Breast Lift
A breast lift raises the breasts, and is often used to improve the appearance of sagging breasts or to adjust the direction of nipples that point downward. For many, a breast lift is a way to regain a youthful silhouette after raising children.
Options for a Breast Lift Surgery
from our Columbus Plastic Surgeon
A breast lift won't change the size of your breasts, but will restore their youthful look. This procedure is often done in combination with a breast augmentation or reduction to increase or decrease size or adjust to a more natural shape. There are several ways to perform this procedure (as shown above), and Dr. Okada will discuss these with you prior to booking your surgery.
Breast Lift Before and After Pictures
Before an after pictures may contain nudity. Please click OK to confirm you are at least 18 years of age and are not offended by such material.

Your Questions, Answered.
Will a breast lift hurt?
Mammoplasty is surgery, and there will likely be moderate pain along and beneath the incision line. Pain should become easily manageable within a couple days, however, and then you will just need to move carefully until you are fully healed.
What are the possible risks of breast lift surgery?
As with any surgery, complications and risks are possible. Some of these can include:
Breast pain
Poor wound healing or infection
Unexpected scarring
Tissue damage or tissue death - this risk is increased if you smoke
Changes in skin sensation
How can I prepare for breast lift surgery?
There are several things you can do to help your surgical outcome be the best it can be. If you smoke, stop now. Smoking has several effects on blood flow and can delay the healing process after any surgery. Maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months before surgery, and arrange ahead of time to have help post-surgery to prevent the risk of opening your surgical incisions.